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Symmetry, Structure, and Spacetime, Volume 3 Repost: The Philosophy and Foundations of Physics Serie


In this paper, we provide state sum path integral definitions of exotic invertible topological phases proposed in the recent paper by Hsin, Ji, and Jian [arXiv:2105.09454 [cond-mat.str-el]. The exotic phase has time-reversal (T) symmetry, and depends on a choice of the space-time structure called the Wu structure. The exotic phase cannot be captured by the classification of any bosonic or fermionic topological phases and thus gives a novel class of invertible topological phases. When the T symmetry defect admits a spin structure, our construction reduces to a sort of the decorated domain wall construction, in terms of a bosonic theory with T symmetry defects decorated with a fermionic phase that depends on a spin structure of the T symmetry defect. By utilizing our path integral, we propose a lattice construction for the exotic phase that generates the Z8 classification of the (3+1)d invertible phase based on the Wu structure. This generalizes the Z8 classification of the T-symmetric (1+1)d topological superconductor proposed by Fidkowski and Kitaev. On oriented space-time, this (3+1)d invertible phase with a specific choice of Wu structure reduces to a bosonic Crane-Yetter TQFT which has a topological ordered state with a semion on its boundary. Moreover, we propose a subclass of G-SPT phases based on the Wu structure labeled by a pair of cohomological data in generic space-time dimensions. This generalizes the Gu-Wen subclass of fermionic SPT phases.

Symmetry, Structure, and Spacetime, Volume 3 Repost

  • 2. Introducing Differential Geometry: PDF Manifolds: Topological spaces, differentiable manifolds and maps between manifolds. Tangent Spaces: tangent vectors, vector fields, integral curves and the Lie derivative. Tensors, covectors and one-forms. Differential Forms: the exterior derivative, de Rahm cohomology, integration and Stokes' theorem.

  • 3. Introducing Riemannian Geometry: PDF The metric; Riemannian and Lorentzian manifolds, the volume form and the Hodge dual. The Maxwell action. Hodge theory. Connections and the covariant derivative, curvature and torsion, the Levi-Civita connection. The divergence theorem. Parallel transport, normal coordinates and the exponential map, holonomy, geodesic deviation. The Ricci tensor and Einstein tensor. Connection 1-forms and curvature 2-forms.

  • 4. The Einstein Equations: PDF The Einstein-Hilbert action, the cosmological constant; diffeomorphisms and the Bianchi identity; Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes; Symmetries and isometries, Killing vectors, conserved quantities; Asymptotics of spacetime, conformal transformations and Penrose diagrams; Coupling matter, the energy-momentum tensor, perfect fluids, spinors, energy conditions; Cosmology.

  • 5. When Gravity is Weak: PDF The Linearised theory, gauge symmetry, the Newtonian limit; Gravitational waves, de Donder gauge, transverse traceless gauge, LIGO; Gravitational wave production, binary systems, the quadrupole formula, gravitational wave sources.

  • 6. Black Holes: PDF The Schwarzschild solution, Birkhoff's theorem, Eddington-Finkelstein Coordinates, Kruskal diagrams and Penrose diagrams, weak cosmic censorship; The Reissner-Nordstrom solution, Cauchy horizons and strong cosmic censorship, Extremal black holes; The Kerr solution, global structure, the ergoregion, the Penrose process and superradiance, no hair theorems.

Problem SheetsJoão Melo has put together a preparatory worksheet, based on Chapter 1 of the lectures notes, to help refresh your understanding of geodesics before the course begins. It can be downloaded here. 2ff7e9595c

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