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Search the Registry for a Value in PowerShell: Best Practices and Examples


One of the easiest ways to find registry keys and values is using the Get-ChildItem cmdlet. This uses PowerShell to get a registry value and more by enumerating items in PowerShell drives. In this case, that PowerShell drive is the HKLM drive found by running Get-PSDrive.

How Do I Search the Registry for a Value in PowerShell

As an alternative, you can also specify the registry item path to get the same output only slightly faster by using .NET. The below command is using the .NET Registry Class in PowerShell to get a registry value:

This where construction isn't bad for searching both property names and values (and the key name is a value). (Watch out for Netbeans. It creates an invalid registry dword key that causes an exception in get-itemproperty.)

I am trying to grab the "UninstallString" for a Registry key, however the Uninstall string contains a long path to the cached uninstaller. Basically what I want to do is search the registry for a keyword, then grab the value data and set it as a variable to call later.

Part of the problem is this program creates another registry key under that Uninstall Path, that also contains the name of the program I am trying to search "$NuanceAudio", that alternate key has an uninstall string, but it doesn't actually work. It's the Key that contains the QuietUninstallString that actually uninstalls the program correctly.

Because registry keys are items on PowerShell drives, working with them is very similar to workingwith files and folders. One critical difference is that every item on a registry-based PowerShelldrive is a container, just like a folder on a file system drive. However, registry entries and theirassociated values are properties of the items, not distinct items.

What I am trying to accomplish it to search through each key of the registry, and also each value for each key. If the key or the value contain anything relating to cisco anyconnect then I want to delete the value, and also delete the key.

PowerShell allows you to access the registry of a remote computer. You can connect to a remote computer either using WinRM (Invoke-Command or Enter-PSSession). To get the value of a registry parameter from a remote computer:

Following on from the last section, the command in that section returned all values in the specified registry path. However, you can also use PowerShell to read registry value but return a specific value.

Finally, for this sub-section, you can use PowerShell to read registry value and save the value in a variable. For example, we can save the registry data in the last command in a variable called $RegData.

Then, to display the type of registry value (in this instance, REG_BINARY), call the GetValueKind Method in the original command saved in the $key variable. Then, use CaptionFont (saved in the $name) as the value in the Method.

The IF statement compares the current value in the registry key with 1. Then, if it is not equal to 1, it uses the Set-ItemProperty command to update the value to what you specify in the Value parameter.

If you want to see the value of a specific registry key value, use Get-ItemPropertyValue, specifying both the registry key (as a default argument, or with the -Path parameter), as well as the registry value name with the -Name parameter (again in this example I use the relative location . and the fully-qualified location to show how both can be used):

Unfortunately, not all drive providers support the same parameters. While searching for a file on the file system with Get-ChildItem is pretty straightforward (Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Name mimikatz.exe -Recurse will find all files with the name mimikatz.exe, for example), this won't work with registry keys:

If you want to find a registry value by name, we can use a similar Get-ChildItem command, filtering by the Property property instead of Name. For example, to search for a registry value name called LastLogonTime-Machine, use the following command:

TIP: We changed the Where-Property comparison operator from -Like to -EQ here, since we can match a complete value name. If you want to use a wildcard in your search for a value name, use -Like with the * wildcard instead.

Unfortunately, not all drive providers support the same parameters. While searching for a file on the file system with Get-ChildItem is pretty straightforward (Get-ChildItem -Path C:\\ -Name mimikatz.exe -Recurse will find all files with the name mimikatz.exe, for example), this won't work with registry keys:

The registry contains a key called ProfileList located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion. This registry key contains one subkey for each user profile on a Windows machine. Inside of each of these subkeys is a registry value called ProfileImagePath that includes the profile path for all users.

Once we know this location, it is then a matter of figuring out how to get PowerShell to enumerate all of these values. Since PowerShell has a registry provider already built-in, we can use Get-ChildItem to enumerate all of these subkeys. You can see below that besides the standard system profiles, I just have a single Adam user on my system.

Being able to see these profiles is a start, but we will need to use the specific folder paths in our script somewhere. For that, we only have to see the values of ProfileImagePath for each user. To return the registry value for each of the user's subkeys, we will invoke the GetValue() method on each of the registry keys to just see the user profile path.

By looping over each registry key with ForEach-Object and then calling the GetValue() method on each ProfileImagePath value, it will now return only the paths we're after. Once you've got the paths to each user profile, additional checks or codes can be performed on each folder. For example, each user's temp folder path is located in the AppData\Local\Temp folder. To enumerate every user's temp folder, you could add a command inside of your loop to list those files.

Editing the PowerShell registry is a knack. In the beginning, accessing values in the registry using PowerShell is deceptively difficult, but once you master the syntax of HKLM:\ the technique it becomes reassuringly easy.

Superficially, the simple commands shown above work as expected. Problems start when you try to view values in the registry, and they get worse if you try and change Reg_SZ or DWORD setting. This is where analogies with the file-system break down, and we need to learn new techniques.

The union between PowerShell and the Registry is a marriage made in heaven. If you are a minor expert on Regedit then PowerShell scripting is a wonderful alternative way of making changes. From a learning point of view, go slowly at first. Tune-In to the PowerShell method for navigating the registry keys, and go slowly through the syntax for enumerating the values. Once you learn about Set-ItemProperty then you can script changes to your favorite registry hacks.

Here is a script to search for registry names, registry values, or registry data with reasonable performance in PowerShell, using some inline C#. This uses a Parallel.ForEach loop to improve performance, on my machine increased performance by about 2x versus a regular ForEach loop.

To use we can search for value names, registry key names, or registry value data using wildcards. Each search is accumulated into $regFinder.results. This is a ConcurrentBag filled with KeyValuePair objects, with the registry key name being in the Key property and the value name (if relevant) in the Value property.

Consider as a first example the statements $address = ' pwormer/teachmat/PS_cheat_sheet.html' $parsed = $address sls -patt ' second statement breaks out the IP address and the path from $address and assigns them to submembers of the object$parsed. This object has several members, one of them matches. The one-stage pipeline: $parsed.matcheslists on the screen the names and values of all properties of the object $parsed.matches. It gives: Groups : 0, 1, 2 Success : True Name : 0 Captures : 0 Index : 0 Length : 60 Value : pwormer/teachmat/PS_cheat_sheet.htmlThe array $parsed.matches.groups contains objects that in turn contain the captures, i.e., the subexpressions in the regular expression that are between parentheses. As always, the zeroth element gives the total string matched (as does the property $parsed.matches.value). In summary, $parsed.matches.groups[0].value : pwormer/teachmat/PS_cheat_sheet.html $parsed.matches.groups[1].value : $parsed.matches.groups[2].value : pwormer/teachmat/PS_cheat_sheet.htmlAs another example: the present file, called PS_cheat_sheet.html, contains strings that are enclosedin and , i.e., the strings are displayed in bold face. Now a PS pipeline will be constructedthat lists these strings.(The pipeline does not work correctly when bold text extends over different lines. Moreover, the search will be non-greedy, which means that only the first bold string in each line is returned).First we introduce a regular expression (regexp) that captures bold HTML text: $reg = '(.*?)'This regexp matches the first arbitrary string in a line that is enclosed within and .It captures the string matching the regexp inside the parentheses. The latter regexp matches zero or more (*) arbitrary characters (.) in a non-greedy search (?).The regexp $reg is used in: sls PS_cheat_sheet.html -patt $reg % $_.matches.groups[1].valuewhich writes all the bold strings in the present notes.As a final example, consider the file foo.txt with contents: In columns 20...25 (six columns) are positive, negative, and unsigned integers. 101 xxxxx -23 ddd 20 ddd +2 eee 30 %^&&fghu -100 ffff 40 qawer 1000 fffqq And yet one more 1 unsigned number in column 23!The following statements list the sum (=880) of the numbers in columns 20-25: $s=0; (sls foo.txt -patt '.19([0-9-+]1,6)').matches % $s+= $_.groups[1].value; $sThe regexp skips arbitrary characters in the first 19 columns and captures digits and plus/minussigns in columns 20-25. The sum is accumulated in $s where PowerShell convertsthe captured strings to integers.To contents 2ff7e9595c

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