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RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF Download: Practice with Previous Year Papers and Solutions


RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF Download: How to Prepare for Rajasthan Board Exams

If you are a student of class 8 in Rajasthan board, then you must be aware of the importance of model papers for your exam preparation. Model papers are sample question papers that are based on the latest syllabus and exam pattern of the board. They help you to understand the types of questions, difficulty level, marking scheme, and time management skills required for the exams. In this article, we will tell you how to download RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF from official websites and other sources. We will also provide you with the subject-wise syllabus, exam pattern, preparation tips, and sample questions for RBSE Class 8 exams.

What are RBSE Class 8 Model Papers and why are they important?

RBSE Class 8 Model Papers are mock tests that are designed by the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) or other experts to help students prepare for the class 8 board exams. These model papers contain questions from all the subjects that are included in the RBSE Class 8 syllabus, such as Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science, and Third Language. The model papers follow the same format and guidelines as the actual board exams. By solving these model papers, students can get familiar with the exam pattern, practice different types of questions, check their accuracy and speed, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and improve their confidence level.

rbse class 8 model paper 2023 pdf download

How to download RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF from official websites and other sources?

There are various sources from where students can download RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF for free or at a nominal cost. Some of these sources are:

  • The official website of RBSE: . Here students can find the latest model papers for all subjects along with the solutions.

  • The official website of SIERT: . Here students can find the revised syllabus and model papers for all subjects.

  • The websites of online education platforms: Such as , etc. Here students can find various model papers, sample papers, previous year papers, mock tests, study materials, etc. for RBSE Class 8 exams.

  • The books and guides of reputed publishers: Such as Oswaal Books, Arihant Publications, Laxmi Publications, etc. Here students can find chapter-wise model papers with solutions and explanations.

To download RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF from any of these sources, students need to follow these steps:

  • Visit the website or book store of the source.

  • Select the subject and year of the model paper.

  • Click on the download link or button.

  • Save the PDF file on your device or take a printout.

RBSE Class 8 Syllabus 2023: Subject-wise topics and weightageRBSE Class 8 Exam Pattern 2023: Marking scheme, duration, and types of questions

The RBSE Class 8 exams are conducted by the District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) under the guidance of RBSE. The exams are held in the month of March every year. The exam pattern for RBSE Class 8 exams is as follows:




Types of Questions



2 hours 15 minutes

Objective, Short Answer, Long Answer, Essay



2 hours 15 minutes

Objective, Short Answer, Long Answer, Essay



2 hours 15 minutes

Objective, Short Answer, Long Answer, Problem Solving



2 hours 15 minutes

Objective, Short Answer, Long Answer, Experiment Based

Social Science


2 hours 15 minutes

Objective, Short Answer, Long Answer, Map Based

Third Language (Sanskrit/Urdu/Gujarati/Sindhi/Punjabi)


2 hours 15 minutes

Objective, Short Answer, Long Answer, Essay





RBSE Class 8 Preparation Tips 2023: Study plan, revision, mock tests, and more

To score well in the RBSE Class 8 exams, students need to follow some effective preparation tips. Here are some of them:

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  • Create a study plan: Make a realistic and balanced timetable that covers all the subjects and topics. Allocate sufficient time for each subject and revise them regularly.

  • Follow the syllabus: Stick to the prescribed syllabus and avoid studying any extra or irrelevant topics. Focus on the important and frequently asked topics.

  • Solve model papers: Practice as many model papers as possible to get familiar with the exam pattern, difficulty level, and time management skills. Solve them in a simulated exam environment and check your performance.

  • Revise thoroughly: Revise all the concepts, formulas, definitions, diagrams, maps, etc. that you have learned. Make short notes and flashcards for quick revision.

  • Clear your doubts: Seek help from your teachers, peers, or online sources to clear any doubts or queries that you have. Do not leave any topic unclear or unattended.

  • Maintain your health: Take care of your physical and mental health by eating well, sleeping well, exercising regularly, and staying positive. Avoid stress and anxiety and keep yourself motivated.

RBSE Class 8 Sample Questions 2023: Practice questions for each subject with solutions

To give you an idea of the types of questions that can be asked in the RBSE Class 8 exams, we have provided some sample questions for each subject with solutions. You can practice these questions and check your answers.

Hindi Sample Questions:

(अ) नम्नलखत शब्दं के वलम शब्द लखए - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • उदसन -

  • अनुग्रह -

  • वशल -

  • स्वच्छ -

(ब) नम्नलखत वक्यं में से प्रत्येक क सरंश एक शब्द में लखए - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • "वह अपने परवर के सथ गँव में रहत है" "वह अपने परवर के सथ गँव में रहत है" - ग्रमण

  • "उसने अपन पढ़ई पूर करने के बद एक अच्छ नकर पई" - सफल

  • "वह हमेश सच्चई क सथ देत है और झूठ से नफरत करत है" - सत्यवद

  • "वह अपने मत्रं क हर मुसबत में मदद करत है और उनक सम्मन करत है" - सहयक

(स) नम्नलखत प्रश्नं के उत्तर लखए - (2 x 4 = 8)

  • कसने 'मुन्न' कहन क रचन क है?

  • मुन्न क कसने पल-पस?

  • मुन्न क कस बत से डर लगत थ?

  • मुन्न क कन-कन से प्रण पसंद थे?

  • (द) 'मुन्न' कहन क संक्षेप में सर लखए - (4 x 1 = 4)

Hindi Sample Questions Solutions:


  • उदसन - सहनुभूत

  • अनुग्रह - क्रध

  • वशल - सूक्ष्म

  • स्वच्छ - मलन


  • "वह अपने परवर के सथ गँव में रहत है" - ग्रमण

  • "उसने अपन पढ़ई पूर करने के बद एक अच्छ नकर पई" - सफल

  • "वह हमेश सच्चई क सथ देत है और झूठ से नफरत करत है" - सत्यवद

  • "वह अपने मत्रं क हर मुसबत में मदद करत है और उनक सम्मन करत है" - सहयक


  • कसने 'मुन्न' कहन क रचन क है? - 'मुन्न' कहन क रचन मुंश प्रेमचं द्र' ने क है

  • मुन्न क कसने पल-पस? - मुन्न क एक बुजुर्ग आदम ने पल-पस

  • मुन्न क कस बत से डर लगत थ? - मुन्न क अंधेरे, आग, और शेर से डर लगत थ

  • मुन्न क कन-कन से प्रण पसंद थे? - मुन्न क बल्ल, कुत्त, घड़, हथ, बंदर, और मर पसंद थे

(द) 'मुन्न' कहन क संक्षेप में सर लखए - (4 x 1 = 4) 'मुन्न' कहन में मुंश प्रेमचंद्र ने मुन्न के जवन क कहन सुनई है मुन्न एक प्यर स बच्च है, जसे एक बुजुर्ग आदम ने पल-पसकर बड़ कय है मुन्न क प्रकृत से प्रेम है, और वह हर प्रण से मत्रत करत है मुन्न क कुछ चजं से डर भ है, पर वह हम्मत से समन करत है मुन्न क कहन हमें प्रेम, सहयत, सहनुभूत, सत्य, सहस, और संतष क सख देत है

English Sample Questions:

(A) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles (a/an/the) - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • He is ___ honest man.

  • I saw ___ elephant in the zoo.

  • She is ___ best student in the class.

  • He lives in ___ United States of America.

(B) Write the synonyms of the following words - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • Beautiful -

  • Angry -

  • Funny -

  • Clever -

(C) Answer the following questions based on the passage given below - (2 x 4 = 8) Nelson Mandela was a great leader who fought for the rights and freedom of the people of South Africa. He was born on July 18, 1918 in a small village called Mvezo. He belonged to the Thembu royal family. He studied law and became a lawyer. He joined the African National Congress (ANC), a political party that opposed the apartheid system of racial discrimination. He was arrested and imprisoned for 27 years for his anti-apartheid activities. He was released in 1990 and became the first black president of South Africa in 1994. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his efforts to end apartheid and promote reconciliation. He died on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95.

  • When and where was Nelson Mandela born?When and where was Nelson Mandela born? - Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918 in a small village called Mvezo in South Africa.

  • What was the name of the political party that he joined? - He joined the African National Congress (ANC), a political party that opposed the apartheid system of racial discrimination.

  • How long was he imprisoned for his anti-apartheid activities? - He was imprisoned for 27 years for his anti-apartheid activities.

  • What did he win the Nobel Peace Prize for? - He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his efforts to end apartheid and promote reconciliation.

(D) Write a summary of the passage in your own words - (4 x 1 = 4) The passage is about the life and achievements of Nelson Mandela, a great leader who fought for the rights and freedom of the people of South Africa. He was born in a royal family and became a lawyer. He joined a political party that resisted the racial segregation imposed by the white minority. He was jailed for a long time for his protests, but he did not give up his struggle. He became the first black president of South Africa and worked for peace and harmony. He received the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to humanity.

Maths Sample Questions:

(A) Simplify the following expressions - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • (3x + 5) + (2x - 7) =

  • (4y - 3) - (2y + 6) =

  • (2a + 3b) x (2a - 3b) =

  • (3p - 2q) / (6p + 4q) =

(B) Solve the following equations - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • x + 5 = 12

  • y - 3 = 7

  • 2z + 4 = 16

  • 3w - 6 = 9

(C) Find the value of x in the following triangles - (2 x 4 = 8)

  • Triangle ABC

  • Triangle PQR

  • Triangle LMN

  • Triangle XYZ

(D) Find the area and perimeter of the following rectangle - (4 x 1 = 4)

Maths Sample Questions Solutions:


  • (3x + 5) + (2x - 7) = 5x - 2

  • (4y - 3) - (2y + 6) = 2y - 9

  • (2a + 3b) x (2a - 3b) = 4a^2 - 9b^2

  • (3p - 2q) / (6p + 4q) = (3/6)(p - q/2)/(p + q/2) = (1/2)(p - q/2)/(p + q/2)


  • x + 5 = 12 => x = 12 - 5 => x = 7

  • y - 3 = 7 => y = 7 + 3 => y = 10

  • 2z + 4 = 16 => 2z = 16 - 4 => 2z = 12 => z = 12/2 => z = 6

  • 3w - 6 = 9 => 3w = 9 + 6 => 3w = 15 => w = 15/3 => w = 5


  • Triangle ABC: x = (180 - (60 + 40)) degrees => x = (180 - 100) degrees => x = 80 degrees

  • Triangle PQR: x = (180 - (50 + x)) degrees => x = (180 - (50 + x)) degrees => x = (130 - x) degrees => x + x = 130 degrees => x = (130/2) degrees => x = 65 degrees

  • Triangle LMN: x = (180 - (90 + x)) degrees => x = (180 - (90 + x)) degrees => x = (90 - x) degrees => x + x = 90 degrees => x = (90/2) degrees => x = 45 degrees

  • Triangle XYZ: x = (180 - (70 + x)) degrees => x = (180 - (70 + x)) degrees => x = (110 - x) degrees => x + x = 110 degrees => x = (110/2) degrees => x = 55 degrees


The area of the rectangle is given by the formula: Area = Length x Breadth

The perimeter of the rectangle is given by the formula: Perimeter = 2(Length + Breadth)

The length of the rectangle is given as: Length = l cm

The breadth of the rectangle is given as: Breadth = b cm

The area of the rectangle is: Area = l cm x b cm

The perimeter of the rectangle is: Perimeter = 2(l cm + b cm)

Social Science Sample Questions:

(A) Match the following - (1 x 4 = 4)

Column A

Column B

Mahatma Gandhi

Quit India Movement

Jawaharlal Nehru

Tryst with Destiny

Bhagat Singh

Kakori Conspiracy

Ram Prasad Bismil

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

(B) Write the full forms of the following abbreviations - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • UNESCO -

  • NASA -

  • GDP -

  • CNG -

(C) Answer the following questions based on the map given below - (2 x 4 = 8)

  • Name the capital of Rajasthan.

  • Name the state that shares its border with five other states and a union territory.

  • Name the state that is the largest in terms of area.

  • Name the state that is the smallest in terms of area.

  • (D) Write a short note on the Indian Constitution - (4 x 1 = 4)

Social Science Sample Questions Solutions:


Column A

Column B

Mahatma Gandhi

Quit India Movement

Jawaharlal NehruJawaharlal Nehru

Tryst with Destiny

Bhagat Singh

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Ram Prasad Bismil

Kakori Conspiracy


  • UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • GDP - Gross Domestic Product

  • CNG - Compressed Natural Gas


  • Name the capital of Rajasthan. - Jaipur

  • Name the state that shares its border with five other states and a union territory. - Uttar Pradesh

  • Name the state that is the largest in terms of area. - Rajasthan

  • Name the state that is the smallest in terms of area. - Goa

(D) Write a short note on the Indian Constitution - (4 x 1 = 4) The Indian Constitution is the supreme law of the country that defines the structure, powers, functions, and principles of the government and the rights and duties of the citizens. It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949 and came into force on January 26, 1950. It is the longest written constitution in the world, consisting of a preamble, 22 parts, 395 articles, and 12 schedules. It is based on the principles of democracy, secularism, socialism, and federalism. It provides for a parliamentary system of government with a bicameral legislature, an independent judiciary, and a cooperative federalism. It also guarantees fundamental rights, directive principles, and fundamental duties to the people. It can be amended by the Parliament according to the procedure laid down in Article 368.

Science Sample Questions:

(A) Choose the correct option for the following questions - (1 x 4 = 4)

Which of these is a physical change?

  • A) Burning of wood

  • B) Melting of ice

  • C) Rusting of iron

  • D) Cooking of food

Which of these is a biotic component of an ecosystem?

  • A) Soil

  • B) Water

  • C) Plants

  • D) Air

Which of these is a renewable source of energy?

  • A) Coal

  • B) Petroleum

  • C) Solar

  • C) Solar

  • D) Nuclear

Which of these is a communicable disease?

  • A) Diabetes

  • B) Tuberculosis

  • C) Cancer

  • D) Arthritis

(B) Write the definitions of the following terms - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • Friction -

  • Photosynthesis -

  • Gravity -

  • Cell -

(C) Answer the following questions based on the diagram given below - (2 x 4 = 8)

  • Name the parts labelled A, B, C, and D.

  • What is the function of part A?

  • What is the name of the enzyme present in part B?

  • What is the name of the process that occurs in part C?

  • (D) Write a short note on the water cycle - (4 x 1 = 4)

Science Sample Questions Solutions:


  • Which of these is a physical change? - B) Melting of ice

  • Which of these is a biotic component of an ecosystem? - C) Plants

  • Which of these is a renewable source of energy? - C) Solar

  • Which of these is a communicable disease? - B) Tuberculosis


  • Friction - Friction is a force that opposes the motion of an object when it comes in contact with another object.

  • Photosynthesis - Photosynthesis is a process by which green plants make their own food by using light energy, carbon dioxide, and water.

  • Gravity - Gravity is a force that attracts every object towards the center of the earth.

  • Cell - Cell is the basic unit of life that can perform all the functions necessary for living.


  • Name the parts labelled A, B, C, and D. - A) Mouth, B) Stomach, C) Small intestine, D) Large intestine.

  • What is the function of part A? - Part A is the mouth, where the food is taken in and chewed by the teeth. The saliva in the mouth helps to moisten and break down the food.

  • What is the name of the enzyme present in part B? - Part B is the stomach, where the food is mixed with gastric juice. The enzyme present in gastric juice is pepsin, which helps to digest proteins.

  • What is the name of the process that occurs in part C? - Part C is the small intestine, where the food is further digested and absorbed by the villi. The process that occurs in part C is absorption.

(D) Write a short note on the water cycle - (4 x 1 = 4) The water cycle is the continuous movement of water between the earth and the atmosphere. It involves three main processes: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Evaporation is when water changes from liquid to gas due to heat from the sun. Condensation is when water changes from gas to liquid due to cooling in the clouds. Precipitation is when water falls from the clouds as rain, snow, hail, or sleet. The water cycle helps to maintain the balance of water on earth and supports life.

Third Language Sample Questions:

Since the user has not specified which third language they want to learn, I will assume that they have chosen Sanskrit as their third language. Here are some sample questions for Sanskrit subject:

(A) Write the feminine forms of the following words - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • बलक -

  • गुरु -

  • अश्व -

  • संह -

(B) Write the meanings of the following words - (1 x 4 = 4)

  • मत -

  • पत -

  • भ्रत -

  • स्वप्न -

(C) Answer the following questions based on the poem given below - (2 x 4 = 8) करग्रे वसते लक्ष्म करमध्ये सरस्वत

करमूले तु गवन्द प्रभते करदर्शनम्

  • What is the name of the poem?

  • Who is the author of the poem?

  • Which three deities are mentioned in the poem?

  • What is the message of the poem?

  • (D) Write a short paragraph on your favourite festival in Sanskrit - (4 x 1 = 4)

Third Language Sample Questions Solutions:


  • बलक - बल

  • गुरु - गुर्व

  • अश्व - अश्व

  • संह - संह


  • मत - Mother

  • पत - Father

  • भ्रत - Brother

  • स्वप्न - Dream


  • What is the name of the poem? - The name of the poem is करग्रे वसते लक्ष्म (Karagre Vasate Lakshmi).

  • Who is the author of the poem? - The author of the poem is unknown. It is a popular subhashita (wise saying) in Sanskrit.

  • Which three deities are mentioned in the poem? - The three deities mentioned in the poem are Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth), Saraswati (the goddess of learning), and Govinda (another name of Vishnu, the supreme lord).

  • What is the message of the poem? - The message of the poem is that one should look at one's palms in the morning and remember the blessings of these three deities. It implies that one should be grateful, diligent, and devoted in one's life.


A possible paragraph on your favourite festival in Sanskrit is:

मम प्रयं महत्सवं दपवल इत अस्मन् महत्सवे सर्वे जन दपन् प्रज्वलयन्त दपवल श्ररमस्य अयध्यं प्रत पुनरगमनस्य स्मरणं कुर्वन्त अस्मन् महत्सवे सर्वे जन सुखं मदं च अनुभ अनुभवन्त अस्मन् महत्सवे सर्वे जन आपस्मन् प्रेमं मैत्रं च वर्धयन्त अस्मन् महत्सवे सर्वे जन दनं दत्त्व पुण्यं लभन्ते अस्मन् महत्सवे सर्वे जन अन्धकरं हत्व प्रकशं प्रप्नुवन्त अत मम प्रयं महत्सवं दपवल इत

Translation: My favourite festival is Diwali. In this festival, all people light lamps. Diwali commemorates the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya. In this festival, all people enjoy happiness and joy. In this festival, all people increase love and friendship among themselves. In this festival, all people give charity and earn merit. In this festival, all people dispel darkness and attain light. Therefore, my favourite festival is Diwali.


In this article, we have provided you with the information and resources to download RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF for free or at a nominal cost. We have also given you the subject-wise syllabus, exam pattern, preparation tips, and sample questions for RBSE Class 8 exams. We hope that this article will help you to prepare well for your exams and score high marks. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.


Here are some common questions and answers related to RBSE Class 8 Model Papers:

Q: How many subjects are there in RBSE Class 8 syllabus?

  • A: There are six subjects in RBSE Class 8 syllabus: Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Science, and Third Language.

Q: How many marks are there in each subject in RBSE Class 8 exams?

  • A: There are 80 marks in each subject in RBSE Class 8 exams.

Q: How can I improve my writing skills for RBSE Class 8 exams?

  • A: You can improve your writing skills for RBSE Class 8 exams by reading good books and articles, practicing writing on different topics, following the grammar and spelling rules, using proper punctuation and vocabulary, and checking your work for errors.

Q: How can I download RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF from the official website of RBSE?

A: You can download RBSE Class 8 Model Paper 2023 PDF from the official website of RBSE by following these steps:

  • Visit the website .

  • Click on the link "Model Papers" under the section "Downloads".

  • Select the subject and year of the model paper.

  • Click on the download link or button.

  • Save the PDF file on your device or take a printout.

Q: How can I contact RBSE for any queries or feedback?

A: You can contact RBSE for any queries or feedback by using the following details:

  • Email:

  • Phone: 0145-2632866, 2632873

  • Fax: 0145-2420429

  • Address: Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan, Ajmer P.N. - 305001


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