This page contains the list of device drivers for Nvidia NFORCE 790i ULTRA SLI. To download the proper driver, first choose your operating system, then find your device name and click the download button.
Nforce 790i Ultra Sli Bios Download
Hi well the main thing is to make sure the motherboard bios is up to date. I see they have a p10 version of the bios it says on the download page it was released in 12-30-2009 but if you click under notes , view the date is 8-12-2011 so it should have a good chance of working. Give it a try I cant see why it wont work.
Most popular EVGA Motherboards: z270 classified k (134-ks-e279), nforce 650i ultra (122-ck-nf66), e-7050/610i gpu (112-ck-nf70), z270 ftw k (132-ks-e277), nforce 730a (113-m2-e113), nforce 680i sli (122-ck-nf68). 2ff7e9595c